Angkor Star Hotel

Cambodia · 4 Employees
Angkor Star Hotel is in the central location in Siem Reap, Angkor town, Known to be the most convenience location and only a few steps walk to the famous nightlife of Pub Streets,other bars, restaurants and several night markets and others tourists attraction available in Siem Reap, Angkor Wat temples. It is on the main road of popular Sivutha street which is very identical location for walking around either day or night. A few steps along the entrance set the hotel in a pretty good distance from the road possible noise and the tranquility pool atmosphere behind the hotel building offers our guest to relax and rejuvenate from walking day at the monuments of temples and others sightseeing spots.


国家 Cambodia
成立时间 2006
总部 Siem Reap, 63855
员工数 4
行业 accounting,
简介 Angkor Star Hotel is in the central location in Siem Reap, Angkor town, Known to be the most convenience location and only a few steps walk to the famous nightlife of Pub Streets,other bars, restaurants and several night markets and others tourists attraction available in Siem Reap, Angkor Wat temples. It is on the main road of popular Sivutha street which is very identical location for walking around either day or night. A few steps along the entrance set the hotel in a pretty good distance from the road possible noise and the tranquility pool atmosphere behind the hotel building offers our guest to relax and rejuvenate from walking day at the monuments of temples and others sightseeing spots.


Angkor Star Hotel 在哪里?

Angkor Star Hotel 的总部位于 Siem Reap, 63855

Angkor Star Hotel 的电话号码是多少?

Angkor Star Hotel 的电话号码是

Angkor Star Hotel 的官方网站是什么?

Angkor Star Hotel 的公司官方网站是

Angkor Star Hotel 是做什么的?

Angkor Star Hotel 的业务有哪些?

food & beverage,tourism,hospitality

Angkor Star Hotel 的年收入是多少?

Angkor Star Hotel 的收入是 35000000美元

Angkor Star Hotel 有多少员工?

Angkor Star Hotel 有 4 名员工

Angkor Star Hotel 属于哪个行业?

Angkor Star Hotel 从事以下行业: accounting

Angkor Star Hotel 使用什么技术?

Angkor Star Hotel 使用的一些流行技术包括:

如何联系 Angkor Star Hotel?

Angkor Star Hotel 联系信息: 电话号码:, 网站:, 邮箱:ema***@***.com

Angkor Star Hotel 的社交媒体链接是什么?

Angkor Star Hotel 领英:,fackbook:,twitte:

Angkor Star Hotel 是一家上市公司吗?


Angkor Star Hotel 的最后一轮融资是什么时候?


谁投资 Angkor Star Hotel?

Angkor Star Hotel 有 0 家投资者,包括 。


Vuthy Moa

Guest Experience Team Manager

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