Perle Homes

Haiti · 0 Employees
Perle Homes was developed to meet travelers' needs for suitable accommodations in Haiti. Following the earthquake, an overwhelming number of hospitality suites and hotel rooms have been removed from the country's inventory, suitable accommodations have become scarce and prices have long been inflated. Those visiting Haiti for leisure, volunteering, and business have found themselves unable to maneuver in an environment of which they are unfamiliar and lack access to assistance should the need arise before, during, and after travels. Our clients range from travel enthusiasts to sophisticated business travelers who want an immediately recognizable standard of service and style. We've provided a desirable environment whereby their cultural considerations, health and safety needs, leisure activities, and transportation services are met by Perle Homes. Whether you are visiting Haiti for Business or leisure, Perle Homes offer unmatched service and affordable lodging accommodations not found in Haiti. We manage a growing list of private properties that are used as guest homes throughout Haiti. These prime real estate locations are suitable for lodging and events such as weddings and conferences


国家 Haiti
成立时间 2012
总部 Route Freres 25, Petion-Ville, HT
员工数 0
行业 hospitality,
简介 Perle Homes was developed to meet travelers' needs for suitable accommodations in Haiti. Following the earthquake, an overwhelming number of hospitality suites and hotel rooms have been removed from the country's inventory, suitable accommodations have become scarce and prices have long been inflated. Those visiting Haiti for leisure, volunteering, and business have found themselves unable to maneuver in an environment of which they are unfamiliar and lack access to assistance should the need arise before, during, and after travels. Our clients range from travel enthusiasts to sophisticated business travelers who want an immediately recognizable standard of service and style. We've provided a desirable environment whereby their cultural considerations, health and safety needs, leisure activities, and transportation services are met by Perle Homes. Whether you are visiting Haiti for Business or leisure, Perle Homes offer unmatched service and affordable lodging accommodations not found in Haiti. We manage a growing list of private properties that are used as guest homes throughout Haiti. These prime real estate locations are suitable for lodging and events such as weddings and conferences


Perle Homes 在哪里?

Perle Homes 的总部位于 Route Freres 25, Petion-Ville, HT

Perle Homes 的电话号码是多少?

Perle Homes 的电话号码是

Perle Homes 的官方网站是什么?

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Perle Homes 是做什么的?

Perle Homes 的业务有哪些?


Perle Homes 的年收入是多少?

Perle Homes 的收入是 0美元

Perle Homes 有多少员工?

Perle Homes 有 0 名员工

Perle Homes 属于哪个行业?

Perle Homes 从事以下行业: hospitality

Perle Homes 使用什么技术?

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如何联系 Perle Homes?

Perle Homes 联系信息: 电话号码:, 网站:, 邮箱:-

Perle Homes 的社交媒体链接是什么?

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Perle Homes 是一家上市公司吗?


Perle Homes 的最后一轮融资是什么时候?


谁投资 Perle Homes?

Perle Homes 有 0 家投资者,包括 。

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