Yves Kpanou

. - Benin

Yves Kpanou 的邮箱和电话

电子邮件 ykp***@***.com

Yves Kpanou 当前工作场所

Bank of Africa - Groupe Bank of Africa

The BANK OF AFRICA Group operates in 17 countries, including 8 in West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo), 7 in East Africa and Indian Ocean (Burundi, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania and Uganda), the Democratic Republic of Congo, and in France, through a network of 15 commercial banks, one financial company, one bank in the habitat, one brokerage firm, two investment companies, one asset management company and Group 1 representative office in Paris. Since 2010, the BANK OF AFRICA Group is majority owned by BMCE Bank which gives it a powerful strategic and operational support, and direct access to international markets through its presence in Europe and Asia. The BOA Group now has about 6,000 employees.

Yves Kpanou 简介

公司 Bank of Africa - Groupe Bank of Africa
职位 Ing reseaux et securite
地点 Benin
LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/yves-harold-kpanou-4b447749
头衔 Ing reseaux et securite chez Bank of Africa

Yves Kpanou 的常见问题(FAQs)

Yves Kpanou 在哪家公司工作?

Yves Kpanou 在 Bank of Africa - Groupe Bank of Africa 担任 Ing reseaux et securite chez Bank of Africa

Yves Kpanou 在 Bank of Africa - Groupe Bank of Africa 的职位是什么?

Yves Kpanou 在 Bank of Africa - Groupe Bank of Africa 的职位是 Ing reseaux et securite chez Bank of Africa

Yves Kpanou 的电子邮件地址是什么?

Yves Kpanou 的电子邮件地址是 ykp***@***.com

Yves Kpanou 的电话号码是什么?

Yves Kpanou 的电话号码是 -

Yves Kpanou 的工作电话号码是什么?

Yves Kpanou 的公司电话号码是 +212****

Yves Kpanou 从事哪个行业?

Yves Kpanou 在 banking 工作。

Yves Kpanou 的同事是谁?

Yves Kpanou 的一些同事包括Yves Kpanou、Andy Lutterodt、Andre Froissat、Gabriel EdgalJackie Baka、。

我如何联系 Yves Kpanou?

Yves Kpanou联系方式: 电子邮件地址:ykp***@***.com 电话号码:-

Yves Kpanou 的个人领英是多少

Yves Kpanou 的个人领英是:http://www.linkedin.com/in/yves-harold-kpanou-4b447749

Yves Kpanou 的办公地点在哪里?

Yves Kpanou 的办公地点:Immeuble Elan Route de N'Gor, Dakar, Senegal SN


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