
2022-10-19 14:49:23
By 简单为主


1. A+物流计划立陶宛路向包裹的最大申报价值为多少?

目前,A+物流计划立陶宛路向暂时不接受申报价值超过150欧元的包裹;因此,如果商户需配送申报价值超过150欧元的立陶宛路向包裹订单,请通过WishPost 申诉工具页面,在线提交申诉将该订单从A+物流计划中移除,并直发该订单。

2. A+物流计划立陶宛路向有哪些不支持的禁运品类?




3. 订单配送仓库


4. 税务相关信息


如果您对 A+ 物流计划立陶宛路向订单还有其他疑问,请与 WishPost 客服联系,wish商户平台会尽快给您答复。


3. What is the maximum declared value for Lithuania-bound Advanced Logistics Program packages?

Currently, the Advanced Logistics Program for Lithuania-bound orders does NOT accept packages with declared value above €150 Euro; if merchants ship Lithuania-bound orders whose packages' declared value is above €150 Euro, please navigate to WishPost > the Dispute Toolkits page, and submit an online dispute to remove the corresponding orders from the Advanced Logistics Program and directly drop ship.

4. Are there any product categories unsupported by the Advanced Logistics Program for Lithuania-bound orders?

Please consult "3. Product categories unsupported by the Advanced Logistics Program" in this article for a complete list of unsupported product categories.

Merchants should properly declare special or sensitive products in WishPost. In addition, when packaging sensitive products, please ensure safety during various processes from warehouses to destinations, including transportation, customs clearance, and customers unpacking.

If merchants do not declare special or sensitive products in WishPost, but ship such products to the warehouse, merchants will be charged an additional 1 RMB per package of Sensitive Product Handling Fee.

5. Order delivery warehouse

Please consult "7. Warehouse address(es) to deliver Advanced Logistics Program orders to" in this article for details.

6. Tax-related information

Starting July 1, 2021, VAT exemption for the import of goods into the EU less than or equal to €22 Euro has been abolished. As a result, all goods imported into Lithuania will be subject to VAT. 

If you have more questions about the Advanced Logistics Program for Lithuania-bound orders, please do not hesitate to contact WishPost Customer Services, and we will respond to you as soon as possible.




Q1: 希望平台在立陶宛是否已经上线?

A1: 您好,希望平台目前还未在立陶宛上线,我们正在加紧对立陶宛市场的准备工作,预计2022年内会在立陶宛开通业务。

Q2: 希望平台在立陶宛运营的物流网络是否覆盖全国?

A2: 您好,由于希望平台目前在立陶宛还未正式上线,我们在立陶宛还未建立自己的物流网络。我们将与立陶宛地方优质物流公司合作,来为用户提供全国性的物流服务。

Q3: 立陶宛用户如何开通希望平台账号?

A3:目前,由于希望平台尚未在立陶宛上线,立陶宛用户暂时无法直接在 app Store 或 Google Play上下载希望平台app。我们建议您关注希望平台的官方网站和社交账号,了解我们在立陶宛上线后开通账号的具体流程。感谢您的关注。
