
2022-10-17 17:44:45
By 隔壁老王爱墙壁




  • 如果捆绑商品中的主要商品来自“视频游戏”分类,或是媒介类商品(图书、音乐、影视),则您不可发布这些捆绑商品。

  • 您可以将媒介类商品(图书、音乐、影视)和视频游戏类商品作为次要商品放入捆绑商品内,但前提是这些商品具有相关性且是对捆绑商品内主要商品的补充。例如,您可发布包含瑜伽垫(主要商品)、瑜伽 DVD 和瑜伽书的捆绑商品。

  • 主要商品分类(发布商品使用的相同分类)的销售佣金适用于整个捆绑商品。

  • 捆绑商品内的所有商品均必须符合亚马逊的销售政策。更具体而言,捆绑商品内的所有商品均必须符合每个分类的相关指南。

  • 捆绑商品图片、特性和描述也必须遵守亚马逊的商品发布政策。

  • 如果您未遵守捆绑商品政策(包括以下捆绑商品详细指南),我们可能会在不另行通知的情况下取消您发布的任何捆绑商品并/或暂停您的账户。亚马逊保留随时修改或撤销本政策的权利。



  • 捆绑商品必须由具有高度互补性的商品组成(这意味着捆绑商品中的商品有助于更好地使用其他内含商品,或者是一起购买能给买家带来便利)。

  • 捆绑商品由多件单品组成,其中每件单品均可通过唯一的 ASIN/UPC 识别,但作为一件商品一起出售。包含多件商品且由单个 ASIN/UPC 进行标识的预包装套装不会被视为捆绑商品。

  • 捆绑商品只能发布在单个分类下,即使捆绑商品中的商品来自多个分类。如果捆绑商品中的商品来自多个分类,则此捆绑商品仅可发布在价格最高的商品所属的分类下。此项准则的唯一例外是价格最高的商品为媒介类商品(图书、音乐、影视)或视频游戏(因为捆绑商品不能发布在这些分类下)。在这些情况下,捆绑商品应该发布在价格第二高但不是媒介类商品(图书、音乐、影视)或视频游戏的商品所属的分类下。

  • 捆绑商品必须具有独立的标准商品编码或制造商零件号。捆绑商品中任何单件商品的编码均不得用作该捆绑商品的编码。使用捆绑商品内任何单个商品的 UPC 标识整个捆绑商品,可能会导致商品被立即移除。您应负责为自己创建的每个捆绑商品获取一个 UPC。

  • 请勿在捆绑商品中放入普通商品,因为这可能会误导买家认为该普通商品与捆绑商品中的品牌商品属于同一品牌。普通商品是指在商品本身或包装上均没有任何品牌标识的商品(不仅仅是未被广泛认可的品牌)。

  • 捆绑商品可以由不同品牌的商品组成,但捆绑商品本身应使用捆绑中价格最高的商品标记品牌。

  • 如果商品是多件装商品,如六双袜子,请将其作为一件商品而不是捆绑商品发布。请参阅“多件装商品的 UPC 和商品包装数量”。

  • 如果商品是父商品的变体,请将其作为父商品系列内的变体而不是捆绑商品发布。请参阅创建父/子变体关系。

  • 如果您将捆绑商品与现有的捆绑商品匹配,则捆绑商品中的商品必须在每个方面与现有捆绑商品内的商品完全相同。如果您的捆绑商品在任何方面有所不同,则必须创建新的捆绑商品。您不能更改现有的商品信息使其与新捆绑商品的规格一致。

  • 一旦创建捆绑商品,则不可修改该捆绑商品的内含商品。如果您想要在捆绑商品中添加或移除商品,则必须创建一个具有唯一 UPC 的新捆绑商品,或将其匹配到与修改后的捆绑商品完全相同的现有捆绑商品。


  • 如果您发布捆绑商品,则必须接受整个捆绑商品作为单件商品进行退货和退款。

  • 捆绑商品不得包含任何单独的保修商品或延期保修服务。


  • 捆绑商品名称的长度应遵循亚马逊发布政策中的商品名称长度规定。本政策允许所有美国分类下的商品使用最长 200 个字符(包括空格)的商品名称。

  • 在商品名称中包含“捆绑商品”一词和捆绑商品所含商品的数量。例如:

    捆绑商品 - 3 件商品:托特包、针织围巾和手套 - 蓝色

  • 如果捆绑商品仅包含几件商品,请在商品名称中将这些商品列出。例如:

                  格式 [主要商品名称] +“附带”+ [捆绑商品内含商品的商品名称] 示例“Kodak EasyShare C143 12MP 数码相机,附带充电电池和携带包 - 蓝色”

  • 如果捆绑商品包含多件商品,请在商品名称中列出主要商品和次要商品,以及该捆绑商品中的商品总数。在这些情况下,整个捆绑商品的内含商品信息必须在捆绑商品详情中以要点形式列出。

                  格式 [主要商品名称] +“附带”+ [捆绑商品内含商品简介] +“(商品数)”示例“Yamaha PAC112J Sunburst 吉他,附带包、支架和配件(11 件商品)”


  • 捆绑商品详情页面中的特色要点 1 必须注明商品是“X”件商品的捆绑商品,而且必须标明捆绑商品中的商品。

  • 捆绑商品详情页面中的描述必须注明商品是一个捆绑商品,而且必须用合适的指示词(如型号、颜色和尺寸)说明商品。

  • 捆绑商品的主图片必须包含其中的具体商品(而且不得包含该捆绑商品中没有的任何商品)。不允许使用包含代表性商品或相似商品的图片。


Product Bundling Policy

Sellers can create bundles composed of different products to create a new bundled product. Well-designed product bundles provide convenience and value to buyers. Adhering to the policies on this page will help Amazon customers locate product bundles more easily and prevent duplicate or near-duplicate listings.

General bundle policy

  • You may not list bundled products where the primary product in the bundle is from the Video Games category or is a Books, Music, Video, or DVD (BMVD) product.

  • You may include BMVD and Video Games items as secondary products in a bundle if they are related and complementary to the primary product in the bundle. For example, you can list a bundle composed of a yoga mat (the primary product), a yoga DVD, and a yoga book.

  • The referral fee for the primary product's category (the same category used to list the product) applies to the entire bundle.

  • All products in bundles must comply with Amazon's selling policies. More specifically, all products within bundles must adhere to the guidelines for each category.

  • Bundle images, features, and descriptions must also adhere to Amazon listing policies.

  • Failure to adhere to the Bundle Policy, including the following Detailed Bundle Guidelines, may result in the removal without notice of any bundled product listing, account suspension, or both. Amazon reserves the right to modify or revoke this policy at any time.

Detailed bundle guidelines

Bundle listing and categorization:

  • Bundles must consist of items that are highly complementary (this means items in the bundle enable or enhance the use of other items in the bundle or provide convenience to the buyer by purchasing them together) .

  • Bundles consist of multiple single items that can each be identified by a unique ASIN/UPC and are sold together as a single offering. A pre-packaged kit or pack with multiple items that is identified by a single ASIN/UPC is not considered a bundle.

  • A bundle may be listed in a single category only, even if the products comprising the bundle are from multiple categories. If a bundle includes products from multiple categories, it may be listed only in the category of the highest priced item in the bundle. The only exception to this guideline is if the highest priced item is BMVD or Video Games (because bundles may not be listed in these categories). In these cases, the bundle should be listed in the category with the second highest prices item that is not BMVD or Video Games.

  • The bundle must have its own standard product identifier or manufacturer part number. The identifier of any individual product in the bundle may not serve as the identifier for the bundle. Using a UPC from any single product in the bundle to identify the entire bundle may lead to immediate removal of the listing. You are responsible for obtaining a UPC for each bundle you create.

  • Do not include generic products in a bundle, as it may mislead customers into thinking the generic product belongs to the same brand as one of the branded products in the bundle. Generic products are identified as items with no brand whatsoever on the product or packaging (not just widely unrecognized brands).

  • A bundle can be composed of different branded items, however the bundle itself should be branded according to the highest priced item in the bundle.

  • If an item is a multi-pack, such as six pairs of socks, list it as a single product and not as a bundle. See UPCs and Item Package Quantity for Multi-Packs.

  • If an item is a variation of a parent product, list it as a variation within the parent product's family and not as a bundle. See Creating parent-child variation relationships.

  • If you match your bundle to an existing bundle listing, the products in your bundle must be exactly the same as the products in the existing bundle in every respect. If your bundle is different in any way, you must create a new bundle listing. You may not change the existing listing to align to the specifications of your new bundle.

  • Once you create a bundle, you may not modify the components of that bundle. If you want to add or remove products from the bundle, you must create a new bundle listing with a unique UPC or match to an existing bundle listing that is identical to your revised bundle.

Bundle warranties and returns:

  • If you list a product bundle, you must accept the entire bundle as a return and refund it as a single unit.

  • A bundle cannot contain any separate warranty products or extended service plans.

Bundle titles:

  • Bundle title length should align to title length rules in Amazon's listing policy. This policy allows listings with a title length of maximum 200 characters (including spaces) in all U.S. categories.

  • Include the word "Bundle" and the number of items in the bundle in the product title. For example:

    Bundle – 3 items: Tote Bag, Knit Scarf and Gloves - Blue

  • If the bundle includes only a few items, list them in the title. For example:

[Main Product title] + “Bundle with” + [Bundle Component Product title(s)]
"Kodak EasyShare C143 12MP Digital Camera Bundle with Rechargeable Batteries & Carrying Case – Blue"

  • If the bundle includes many items, list the primary and secondary items in the title, along with the total number of items in the bundle. In these cases, the entire bundle component information must be listed in the bullet points within the bundle details.

[Main Product title] + “Bundle with” + [Bundle Component Summary] + “(# Items)”
"Yamaha PAC112J Sunburst Guitar Bundle with Bag, Stand and Accessories (11 Items)"

Bundle product details and images:

  • Feature Bullet 1 in the detail page for your bundle must state that the product is a bundle of "X" number of items and must identify the products in the bundle.

  • The description in the detail page for your bundle must state that the product is a bundle and must also identify the products in the bundle (with appropriate designators, such as model number, color, and size).

  • The main image for the bundle must include the specific products in the bundle (and must not include any items that are excluded from the bundle). Images of representative or similar products are not permitted.











